At Ideal Home Health, your family is our family. We began operations in 2013 as a home care in Brooklyn, New York with a goal to revitalize an inefficient and dated system in the New York home care industry. With a focus on customer service, communication, and efficiency, we hire caregivers that are passionate about improving your quality of life.
Starting in the home basement of one of the founding partners, Ideal Home Health started as a company of four people based out of Brooklyn. In just a matter of 5 years, it has grown to a community of 1500+ people spread across the entire five boroughs of New York City.
In addition to providing home health services, Ideal Home Health has partnered with dozens of community centers, senior facilities, food banks, charities, and community organizations to continue making a positive impact on our neighborhoods in NYC.
2617 East 16th Street
Floor 2
Brooklyn, NY 11235
(718) 808-6419
391 East 149th Street
Suite 515
Bronx, NY, 10455
(718) 808-6419
112 West 34th Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10120
(718) 808-6419
We speak your language and understand you and your families cultural needs and preferences.
Мы говорим на вашем языке и понимаем вас и ваши культурные ценности и предпочтения.
Hablamos su idioma y entendemos sus necesidades y preferencias culturales al igual que la de sus familiares.
Since starting Ideal Home Health.
including Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Adventist, Jehovahs Witness, Jewish and more.
servicing patients from over 46 countries.
We dedicate ourselves to providing the most elite, efficient and everlasting service and hospitality to each and every one of our clients and consumers.